• The real problem with the internet isn’t Facebook or Twitter or Reddit, it’s the fact the entire experience is pretty much controlled by Microsoft and Google

    I think the real problem is that the entire Internet is basically just a dozen multi-billion Big Tech companies and the entire “Internet economy” is so tightly weaved into advertising money.

    • Yeah what a future! Literally everywhere you look or turn, there’s someone yelling in your ear for cash. Can’t wait 🙃

      It’s honestly wild that our species has gotten here. When are we setting up on Mars again??

      • What’s really wild is that you don’t have to go that far into the past (just ca. 20 years) when the Internet was all about Information wanting to be Free. It was hopeful time of people coming together around new technology. There were a lot new businesses with wild innovations.

        And then, just in a decade it was all gone. Replaced by unregulated behemoths that merged until there’s a dirty dozen left, controlling most of global money and information.

        Enshittification of the Internet.