As always, the paying user has the worst experience. “Purchase” a show, can only watch on a certain console of a certain brand, no transfers, no backups, then it suddenly disappears from the library and nothing can be done.

If media companies insist on draconian DRM, then they should pay for full refunds to their loyal customers when one day they decide to delist that specific show.

  • Yeah this is one of the reasons I’ve been slowly moving my gaming time over to Steam as they very rarely do stuff like this and if they delist the game, if you’ve already purchased the game you can still play it 99.99% of time. Sad to see Playstation go down this route.

    •  Grunt4019   ( ) 
      410 months ago

      Unfortunately it’s the same situation on steam. You are only buying licenses to games you don’t actually own it, they can be taken away at any time with no recourse. Steam might be doing good now in this regard but it’s hard to say if it will stay like this forever.