• I’ve left what I was gonna buy and walked out of two Walmarts because some employees were hella aggressive when they did this. They treated me like shit because they were “certain” I was stealing. I understand theft is a problem, but at least be chill about it, and I’ll be damned if you think you’re searching my belongings (wallet, pockets, etc.). Both times I was only buying like 5 things.

    •  marco   ( @marco@beehaw.org ) 
      37 months ago

      Please remember through all this BS, that none of this was the idea of the retail employees you are interacting with.

      Probably another AI with an 80% false positive rate…

      • I’m very aware, and I’ve been completely cooperative with everyone because they’re just doing their job. The two I walked out on though were power tripping assholes, and had no need to try to go through my wallet or search me.