I don’t mean to be pessimistic, bit since most subreddits are only going dark for a couple days, the site will basically be back to normal soon. I wonder how many users here are only here because of temporary outrage and not because they actually prefer Lemmy. I’m curious about people’s outlook on this situation.

  • Unfortunately with the enshittification of almost the entire internet due to a few monoliths controlling almost all traffic and the concept of the hedonic treadmill, the new shitty normal will become acceptable to most people who are not really thinking about it. Not much anyone can do about that.

    In my case and for many others, there’s a breaking point. It’s further along than we probably would like to think it is, but for me it’s being jerked over to an inferior, broken, and cluttered interface designed to maximize the amount of paid BS that I have to see while still having to tolerate the consequences of the centrist “all bigots we can sell to are welcome” mentality of Reddit ownership. It’s become too much for me to want to continue to participate regularly while alternatives like this exist which haven’t yet been ruined yet.

    • This is exactly it for me. I have been wanting to leave Reddit for years, but there has never been a solid alternative. It remains to be seen if content will propagate enough on Lemmy but this recent nonsense from Reddit is driving everyone to find alternatives and may be enough to get the ball rolling.