Hey folks! Here’s an interesting thing that happened with me: I love action RPGs, I love western RPGs, I was addicted to Skyrim. So when The Witcher 3 launched, one of the most well received open world action RPGs I loved it, right? Well… No. In fact, for some reason I can’t really understand I could never play more than 2 hours before dropping it.

I restarted that game about 5 times before, never liked it, wished I could refund it.

Until about two weeks ago I randomly decided to try it again and… oh boy, let’s just say I’m a child considering if I should sleep for work tomorrow or continue playing all through the night.

Does anybody else have a game that they couldn’t like but it suddenly clicked and now they enjoy it?

  • I bounced hard off Outer Wilds. “Wtf am I meant to do. Why do I keep dying so stupidly. What is even the point.” I had it on the Steam Deck, I finished Spiderman, decided to give it another shot but just focusing on exploring and enjoying the experience. I think it was finally when I solved a puzzle for the first time by learning and thinking instead of walking in and expecting quest markers to hold my hand. It changed everything, I would call it a top 10 game and I wish I could go back and experience it for the first time.