Hey folks! Here’s an interesting thing that happened with me: I love action RPGs, I love western RPGs, I was addicted to Skyrim. So when The Witcher 3 launched, one of the most well received open world action RPGs I loved it, right? Well… No. In fact, for some reason I can’t really understand I could never play more than 2 hours before dropping it.

I restarted that game about 5 times before, never liked it, wished I could refund it.

Until about two weeks ago I randomly decided to try it again and… oh boy, let’s just say I’m a child considering if I should sleep for work tomorrow or continue playing all through the night.

Does anybody else have a game that they couldn’t like but it suddenly clicked and now they enjoy it?

  • It kinda happened for me with Fallout New Vegas. I was maybe 11 and never played anything from the series. I spent my time killer hobo-ing my way through but I always felt like I was missing something, then I started reading negative opinions about it online and got influence by that, so I dropped it. After some time I played Fallout 3, liked and thought it was much better than New Vegas and decided to give NV another shot (I was at 12 or 13 by then). I loved it to the point where it is probably on the top of my emotional top 10. It got me into 50s/60s music, got me interested in politics and ethics, made me become a fan of science fiction and old school RPGs focused on story and a variety of approaches. Really a fantastic game

  • The first Dark Souls. At the time I had played Demon’s Souls, but didn’t really play games for the challenge so I was very much not used to those types of games. Was also a diehard FPS player.

    But a good friend, the same one that introduced me to Demon’s Souls, gifted me Dark Souls. It was a game a genuinely enjoyed, but couldn’t quite find my groove. I’d create a character, get to a certain point, then feel lost or too frustrated to proceed. So I’d stop playing for a few months, then pick it up again and roll a new character.

    This trend repeated for a while, and I DID progress farther every time. Eventually, I hit a wall with one of the bosses and raged quit. So fast forward to my inevitable return to the game, instead of starting over I just went right back to that boss and tried again, and again, and again… and actually won?! That was the moment I feel like my gaming potential was awakened.

    From Software fanboy, but also truly invested in a good challenge.

    Unrelated, but I’m polishing of Nioh 2 now with NG+ and the DLC

  • Stardew Valley. I pirated it because I really didn’t think I would like it, but was curious about all the positive buzz that was going on around it. Played for maybe 45 minutes and decided that it wasn’t for me. I think it was two weeks later that I picked it back up again because some article wouldn’t stop singing it’s praises. Start playing, look up, 4 hours had passed.

    So I bought the game and proceeded to put over 200 hours into it.

    Then I bought it on Switch and put like 160 hours into it.

    Then I bought it on Mobile and put like 60 hours into it.

    Never thought I’d click so well with some silly farming game.

  • I had a similar experience with The Witcher, but the first one. Bounced off the game twice. Third time was the charm. I fell in love with it and then ended up playing the other games in the series as they came out. I’m not sure what made me keep trying, but I’m glad I did.

    Long before that, when Morrowind was released, I couldn’t quite understand it. I had grown up on JRPGs, and the openness of Western RPGs was confusing. I kept trying and eventually fell in love with it too. This opened up a whole new genre for me.

    XCOM: Enemy Unknown had a similar effect for turn-based strategy games and Elden Ring for Soulsborne games. I’m still looking for the games that will open my eyes to several genres. I occasionally try games in genres I don’t typically like in hopes this will be the one. It’s really cool to have that new door opened for you.

  • Morrowind, I played it near release and had no idea what to do or what I was doing. Then I played it a year or two later and played it for weeks straight.

    CK2 also took a bit of learning to get used to.

    • Loved it the first time around, but just started on the remaster and am wondering if I’ll stick with it. The fact it looks like a modern action RPG but doesn’t act like one might throw me off - in particular with regards to the control scheme.

  • Vampire Survivors. I did like it in the beginning, but I started to get bored since I got stuck in the first map. I uninstalled it for a while then I installed it again last week. I’ve been playing on and off again, since I was basically just trying to get a lot of coins. I managed to reach level 20 and unlock the second map, then yesterday, I reached 27 minutes in the second map and now I’m addicted to it lmao. I got the magic wand without cooldown on that playthrough, and it was so satisfying to see everything just dying.

    • Spent many tens of hours on V.S. Little gem of a game. At first I thought it was stupid, but it hooked me nonetheless, lol. Haven’t tried the DLC, yet.

      I did try Halls of Torment, though, which is basically the same deal plus being able to aim in a direction other than the one you’re traveling in. Tens of hours there, too. :P

  • I think this will be Disco Elysium for me. I keep bouncing off it, but I want to play it and so many swear it’s amazing. I’ve just been a bit too depressed and not focused enough I think to deal with the depth of it. I always end up playing something ‘cozier’.

  • The first time I played Jedi Fallen Order, I got through the tutorial mission, went ‘Eh’ and put the game down. Went back a year later and had an amazing time. Can’t tell you what it was that changed.

  • Deus Ex. The first one. I would always get kinda lost on the second to third level and lose interest, but once I got into it, I was INTO IT! It was all I played for a long long time, although eventually I stopped at Hong Kong because it was too dark to see and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it before I lost my momentum

  •  zaphod   ( @zaphod@feddit.de ) 
    11 year ago

    The Witcher 3 wasn’t fun at all until I reached level 10 or so, took me over a month to get to that level because I played in very short intervals. Some others I can think of are Dishonored, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate and The Outer Worlds. Got Dishonored at release, played an hour and put it away, finished it five years later. For Assassin’s Creed Syndicate it was a year and The Outer Worlds around half a year. Ended up having a lot of fun with all those games.

  • I’m in the same Witcher 3 situation, except I haven’t been able to get past the hurdle. By coincidence I tried it again yesterday and… “Ug, what do those runes do again? Nah, lemme try the Mass Effect remaster instead.”

  • Far Cry 2. I bought it shortly after it was launched and didn’t like it at all. It seemed so boring and clunky to me. Years later I gave it another try and this time I really enjoyed it! I even bought another copy because the original disc started having cracks and I didn’t want the disc to explode in my console. It’s now one of my favorite games in the franchise.

  • I bounced hard off Outer Wilds. “Wtf am I meant to do. Why do I keep dying so stupidly. What is even the point.” I had it on the Steam Deck, I finished Spiderman, decided to give it another shot but just focusing on exploring and enjoying the experience. I think it was finally when I solved a puzzle for the first time by learning and thinking instead of walking in and expecting quest markers to hold my hand. It changed everything, I would call it a top 10 game and I wish I could go back and experience it for the first time.