•  Squirrel   ( @Squirrel@thelemmy.club ) 
      10 months ago

      “Semi” literally means “half.” A semi-annual event occurs every half year, i.e. twice each year. A semicircle is half of a circle; there are two to a full circle. Of this one, I am certain.

      “Bi” typically means “two” or “twice.” Its usage is highly inconsistent in terms of frequency. I think its proper usage would mean “every other” (i.e. every two), but I don’t know for sure. Either way, the inconsistency of its usage makes it ambiguous.

      For the most part, confusion about usage comes in with monthly or weekly events. It sounds awkward to use “semi” in these cases – honestly, who can say “semi-weekly” without sounding like a prick? – so “bi” is typically used, thus exacerbating confusion.

      Of course, I sound like a prick through all of this comment, so what can I say?

      • Something in my ape brain just immediately trusts anyone who uses the phrase “of this one, I am certain.” So no, you don’t sound like a prick, you sound like a scholar, and I am inclined to request that you make several of my financial decisions for me.

        • Oh, don’t do that. I’m nobody special, and certainly no scholar. I’m just some random person on the internet who occasionally makes a coherent comment. Unless you’re in high school, you likely have a better education than me. I’m just pedantic like nobody’s business.

      • You are right. A biweekly meeting is every other week. Bi also just means two. Look at bicycle… yeah English pronunciation fucks it up but it literally means two wheels.