• Open Edge on a fresh win 11 install

      -give us your data

      -Bing is great!

      -please try Edge

      -get our rewards

      -Bing AI!

      -don’t change the bloated ad-filled home page please

      -oh god please stop downloading Firefox

      • That’s true, it sucks. Although that happens once and it’s done. But I always have to find ways of making gnome usable, like where is the minimize button? It’s nice using linux, I’d love to. But the thing is I’m not saying windows is good, I’m saying linux is complete shit too. Everything has some dumbass issue or other and it’s on the cusp of breaking. And we have to use all of the crap

        • Is Linux perfect? Absolutely not and I have never made that claim.

          My point was merely that Windows users are bombarded with popups from the start and Microsoft are only going to get more aggressive with their monetisation practices.

          Im annoyed about stuff all the time on Linux but rarely do I feel the seething rage I get when Windows tries to push ads on me. On an OS I fucking paid for.

    • Discord starting at startup and windows forces it into focus so I have to click back on the thing I was doing… Like 3 or 4 times. Repeat for anything else that starts at startup.

      At one time I had set a song to play through a slowly-loading media player so that I could leave and when the song played I knew my computer had loaded.

      Now on Linux, everything loads just the same but doesn’t force switch the focus.

      • I’ll give you the focus stealing, it’s crap and it’s never going to be solved. But you can choose startup applications. Oh, and my computer boots in no time even though I have an old install with a crapton of stuff I need to autorun. It’s not about the os

        • And the PC of my brother needs like a Minute to show the login screen and then another minute for getting more than 8 fps on tge desktop. Otherwise it works fine so he won’t let me take a look at it but as far as I know he doesn’t have any startup programs, meaning that this probably just is Windows 11 being shit.

          • Yeah, something is definitely wrong.

            Try running SFC /scannow in command

            Might also be that one of his USB devices is being scanned during boot. So unplugging every USB device may also help the problem.

            That or a hard drive is failing.

            You can also take a look at the Event Viewer to see what it is trying to do during boot. (most probable location: Windows Logs / System)

      •  t0fr   ( @t0fr@lemmy.ca ) 
        410 months ago

        That’s one thing I hate on windows. Don’t switch focus for me. Or let me startup apps minimized or something. I don’t want to be typing away in something, then mid sentence it’s switched to another app that takes a little while launcher to launch