• Discord starting at startup and windows forces it into focus so I have to click back on the thing I was doing… Like 3 or 4 times. Repeat for anything else that starts at startup.

    At one time I had set a song to play through a slowly-loading media player so that I could leave and when the song played I knew my computer had loaded.

    Now on Linux, everything loads just the same but doesn’t force switch the focus.

    • I’ll give you the focus stealing, it’s crap and it’s never going to be solved. But you can choose startup applications. Oh, and my computer boots in no time even though I have an old install with a crapton of stuff I need to autorun. It’s not about the os

      • And the PC of my brother needs like a Minute to show the login screen and then another minute for getting more than 8 fps on tge desktop. Otherwise it works fine so he won’t let me take a look at it but as far as I know he doesn’t have any startup programs, meaning that this probably just is Windows 11 being shit.

        • Yeah, something is definitely wrong.

          Try running SFC /scannow in command

          Might also be that one of his USB devices is being scanned during boot. So unplugging every USB device may also help the problem.

          That or a hard drive is failing.

          You can also take a look at the Event Viewer to see what it is trying to do during boot. (most probable location: Windows Logs / System)

    •  t0fr   ( @t0fr@lemmy.ca ) 
      410 months ago

      That’s one thing I hate on windows. Don’t switch focus for me. Or let me startup apps minimized or something. I don’t want to be typing away in something, then mid sentence it’s switched to another app that takes a little while launcher to launch