i got sick again so the financial update and also this thread are late. i’ll get the financial update up at a later point, or i might just combine it with january since there’s not that much to report as far as i can tell

  • Getting a bit tired of Lemmy and Mastodon. People aren’t humble at all and are so toxic and weird. I’m mostly a lurker but it is very sad that these platforms are not very nice to be at. No matter who you follow you’re always exposed to not-very-nice people.

    •  sub_o   ( @sub_@beehaw.org ) 
      127 months ago

      Sadly I quit mastodon early this year. People are very shout-y.

      Lemmy has its share of jerks, but beehaw is at least is bit better, more community feeling.

      • I’m on fosstodon! It might be related to what I’m interested to but I noticed people are pretty judgemental of everything and there’s this weird tendency of talking like they are superior because of how well informed they are? I don’t know how to explain but I was kind of sold to the idea that these platforms would be more positive and maybe my expectations were too high

        • the foss crowd can be very “i know better than you” in my experience (a femme-presenting person in tech). i started a geographically local instance because that was what i missed most about that sort of social media: finding out about stuff that was happening nearby.

          what kinds of things are you looking for on mastodon? there are also lots of hobby-related instances with overlapping foss interests that tend to be more chill from what i’ve seen.

    • Haven’t found a good use for Mastodon yet, but then again I don’t really miss Xhitter so it probably isn’t for me, anyway.

      I usually just stick to Subs and Local on Lemmy, and since that means Beehaw, a tiny Danish instance and a board game community, I generally find that people are quite lovely.

      The bad experiences don’t really come out of the woodwork unless I start browsing Everything.