i got sick again so the financial update and also this thread are late. i’ll get the financial update up at a later point, or i might just combine it with january since there’s not that much to report as far as i can tell

  • had a very busy and productive week.

    • went to a full moon gathering
    • rode in the social bike ride i used to lead
    • finally upgraded the community forum i help run
    • competed some online training needed for the dog rescue i volunteer with
    • hosted a meetup for the bike camping group
    • went to a small holiday house party and did pretty well at playing werewolf
    • cleaned my bike chain
    • winterized the travel trailer
    • got some bookkeeping done for my side ventures/communities
    • sold a bicycle that was too small for me
    • attended a yoga class (and ran into my friend’s girlfriend there, which was rad!)