can’t speak much now, site is in five-alarm fire mode for obvious reasons. things are going good though, thank you for using the site, hopefully this week will chill a bit

      •  sapo   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        Not my essay! It’s just the best summary I’ve seen so far. My garden is still under construction, but I might share it here when it’s done.

        Edit: if you’re interested in the specifics of how to make one easily, I’m using Obsidian, a great free notetaking app with a paid Publish feature (there’s a student discount on Publish too, so that’s a plus). There are some guides on making one there, like this one.

        •  t0fr   ( ) 
          21 year ago

          Okay that’s cool.

          Hmm I’m using Logseq already as I wanted something open source. I’ll read into this when I have some more time as I’m already in the habit of collecting lots of links and resources.

          Super happy I stumbled on this.