Have you played a game that stayed in your head long after you played it?

For me, Outer Wilds would be that game. I feel like I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I beat it a couple years ago.

  • Chrono Trigger, for so many reasons. The soundtrack is outstanding. The use of time travel, with little moments where you affect the world in 1000 AD by making changes in 600 AD, is very satisfying. It has a New Game + feature with multiple endings to explore. The gameplay, particularly double and triple techs, was great too. Because of that gameplay, the choices you make for who you put on your team have meaning. Last but not least, the story gives every character you recruit some personal moments and a reason why they’re hanging around with you.

    I honestly think that Chrono Trigger is a game that nailed every essential element, and is the closest I’ve come to playing a perfect video game.