And a bit of a follow up question because I want to complain a bit, why does it feel like most movie recommendation websites suck?

  • For power users, I recommend to use a plugin like NoScript though, to block Google/CookieLaw’s hidden JS spyware on the site (they’re on 2/3th of the web tho).

    Beware, NoScript will break some sites, and will require you to manually enable/whitelist JS (JavaScript) sources for sites + CDNs to fix this again.

    Can you not use uBlock Origin to block 3rd party scripts? Enable advanced mode and add * * 3p-script block to My Rules.

    I ask because I want to keep the number of extensions to a minimum.

    •  Rikj000   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      I’d recommend to use both.

      uBlock does a nice job of blocking well known advertisements.

      However NoScript, is more secure because it disables all JS by default.
      While offering you an easy UI to (temporarily/permanently) whitelist individual components.

      Keep in mind, this will cause rather heavy site breakage in the first few weeks of using it.
      However that will get better once you whitelisted the bare essentials for the sites you regularly visit.

      Most sites use 0 to 3 JS sources enabled in NoScript to read/work correctly.
      While spy-ware/telemetry infested sites will ship with up to 15 or so JS sources.