You’ve all had some very interesting answers for my last post so here is a question for you, how do you think about copyright in general and should it exist?

  •  Godort   ( ) 
    7 months ago

    Copyright is a good thing in general, but the way it’s handled now is incredibly stupid.

    The US had it right in 1790. 14 years by default and an additional 14 year renewal. After that it’s public domain.

    28 years is more than enough time to profit from a creative work before other people can use those ideas freely.

    Imagine the creative landscape if every piece of art older than 1995 was free for everyone to use as they saw fit.

    • It’s noteworthy that patent law is 20 years to this day. It has survived with its core fairly intact, the main change being that you can no longer get a patent for bringing an invention into the country. Today that is called piracy (poor China).

      I believe that is because patents simply have to work for the whole country in encouraging progress. If cultural production is stifled, well… Who cares? The elites in the copyright industry benefit, and they have an outsize influence on public discourse.