Discord has expanded its Hateful Conduct Policy to explicitly include prohibitions against misgendering and deadnaming in a policy update. Accompanying this policy update, Discord has also implemented a comprehensive warning system to enforce these guidelines effectively.

  • Obligatory XKCD for the folks who keep citing the 1st Amendment 🙄:

    If you want to be a hatful person online or in person, there’s nothing stopping you from starting your own little online utopia- VPSs are pretty cheap, after all. You’ll quickly find, however, that you probably attract a large number of assholes and, in all likelihood, either find yourself moderating content or shutting down just like every other “free speech” bastion.

    Which is fine. I’m a firm believer in free speech. If bigots want to have a place to talk to one another, that’s their prerogative and their right. What they don’t have is a right to force others to host or listen to their bullshit, which appears to be what they want.

    Content-based moderation is neither new nor pernicious, folks. So long as those doing it don’t hold a monopoly on the use of force, you remain free to vote with your feet, wallet, eyeballs, and ears.