I’m expecting some child recreating superhero stunts and gerting hurt

  • I saw some dumb movie about a time travel loop a few months back, I don’t even remember the name. The plot was so uninspired, I started to think about how to prevent time loops from ever occurring, so at least that kind of lazy writing won’t invade nonfiction. It sort of snowballed into a hardware design.

    It’s definitely the dumbest reason I’ve had to build a particle detector. The idea is to generate output that would be different in every iteration (via no-hidden-variables + a tunneling-governed radioactive decay), to determine whether you are in a loop via a simple statistical test.

    If that poses a problem for something you will have been working on, just reach out by December 1st, 2023 with the one-time-code "19 8 9 2 2 15 12 5 20 8 ". I will have recognized that, and we could have planned around what your needs will have been.