Now that the supreme court has made billions of women’s lives a living hell, they’ve even announced that they will be going after LGBTQ+ people as well.

Also, notice that the heterosexual white male is still left all alone to do what they please. Misogynistic white supremacists/nationalists?

I don’t understand what is going on in America.

  • evangelical fundamentalist christians, primarily. these tend to be biblical literalists who have extremely ardent, extremely strange, and extremely reactionary beliefs because they believe they’re living in the biblical end times and essentially want to bring about the rapture so they can go to heaven and everyone else can be judged by god. (incidentally, this is why so many of them are so supportive of israel: they believe israel must exist as a precondition for their endgame and they basically use jewish people as a geopolitical bargaining chip in their endtimes fantasy.)