[A study] show[s] [that domestic cats] eat more than 2,000 species globally – including hundreds that are of conservation concern.

“Our study sheds light on the predatory habits of one of the world’s most successful and widely distributed invasive predators,” the researchers, led by Christopher Lepczyk from Auburn University in the US, wrote in the paper.

  • My mom has several cats and I tried to tell her this but she insists “this is just what cats do” and it is the natural order for cats to roam free outdoors. She thinks people who say cats belong indoors are out of touch with reality.

        •  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
          11 year ago

          How is it disingenuous? Some indoor cats are totally fine, but some are freaked out scared little things living in a terrible environment who desperately want to escape.

          Some people treat the animals in their lives with dignity and a modicom of respect, others treat them like objects. My neighbor leaves his dogs in the cold all day. I’ve known people who kept cats in shitty little one room hoarder holes.

          Just because you don’t see them as sentient or whatever doesn’t mean I don’t.

          • Seems like you should call animal control for a wellness check on your neighbor. People who abuse animals should not be allowed to keep animals as pets, totally agree on that. That isn’t indicative of every pet parent, though. I would say it isn’t even indicative of a large portion of them.

            Also, I never said they weren’t sentient. I said they aren’t humans. Saying that keeping them inside and happy is the same as kidnapping a person is just off base.