One of the hottest debates in archaeology is how and when humans first arrived in North America. Archaeologists have traditionally argued that people walked through an ice-free corridor that briefly opened between ice sheets an estimated 13,000 years ago.

But a growing number of archaeological and genetic finds—including human footprints in New Mexico dated to around 23,000 years old—suggests that people made their way onto the continent much earlier. These early Americans likely traveled along the Pacific coastline from Beringia, the land bridge between Asia and North America that emerged during the last glacial maximum when ice sheets bound up large amounts of water causing sea levels to fall.

  • Thought experiment: if all native / indigenous people are from somewhere, the only thing that defines natives is time as there are no indigenous people other than in concept and idea in someone’s mind.

    Borders and countries are nothing more than idea, and no one has any claim to any land and more than anyone else.

    I always think about this when people make indigenous people’s statements, and really no one is from anywhere from a lineage perspective beyond the circumstances of their own birth.

    • Sure but that’s completely ignoring thousands of years of human history, atrocities, genocides and racism so it’s not helpful at all? Yeah, “We’re all Africans originally” but that doesn’t keep people from being horrible bigots.

      Are you saying you’re cool with global corporations going to a random country and just start mining, destroying the environment or whatever because the global corp has a much claim to that land as the people who lived there for thousands of years?

      • I’m not sure I’m okay with individual land ownership period, business or individual. I have strange political and economic views. I think land usage should be controlled, heavily by a central authority and the consequences of that land usage considered heavily.