How do you do, fellow ladies?

If all goes as planned, I’ll be starting HRT in just a few weeks (😁). Does anyone have any practical tips on things to do or procure in advance? So far, all I’ve managed to deduce from wandering the internet is:

  • cryopreservation of sperm
  • find and secure a bralette that fits comfortably, by the time things get tender
  • stock up on pickles

Anything else I’ll likely be happy to have prepped in advance?

Note: flagged this as NSFW to encourage open conversation, and in case mere mention of sperm warrants it.

  • You should let someone with more expertise chime in on hair transplants, but I don’t believe they typically take hair from your face.

    Also, fwiw, you may well get significant regrowth after starting hormones. 6 months in on Spiro & estradiol, the large bald/thin spot on the crown of my head is almost gone.

    • That’s awesome, I’m genuinely happy for you! ❤️ Hopefully, I’ll experience the same, but my hair loss started over 15 years ago, so I don’t want to build my hopes up. That’s partly why I was holding off, though - to wait and see if I luck out and end up not needing transplants after all. But you make a good point; I imagine I should at least be able to start on facial hair.