Evernote restricts free users to 50 notes starting December 4, 2023. What are the open-source alternatives that keep you in control?

  • I’m loving Logseq. It’s free and libre and stores all your data in local text files in standard formats, so there’s absolutely no lock in. They also have an ethical business model ($5/mo to use their fully-encrypted sync solution, but you can just sync the files using whatever other system you like.)

    The forward and backwards linking of notes means I don’t need to worry too much about organization ahead of time and I can still find everything.

    That said, I’ve never used Evernote, so not sure if it’s a good replacement. I was looking to build a “Second Brain” and it’s been fantastic for that.

    • I treat companies like this the way I treat my favorite creators.

      I give them money even if I don’t use their paid features. My Patreon is full of amazing podcasters and other artists. I could easily download all of their work. But $5/mo for 10+ hours of entertainment is the least that I can do. Same reason I refuse to tip a takeout order, but leave my budtender as much as I can spare.

      It’s a lot easier to justify supporting a person than it is a faceless multinational conglomerate who communicate only though neutered marketing announcements and see you as a resource to be tapped to exhaustion.