Other right-wing accounts variously reacted by describing the move as Orwellian, lamenting the death of free speech and even contemplating leaving Canada for good.

Oh no. Not that. Please no.

<Tee hee!>

  • litter boxes

    Not who you’re replying to, but fuck, I forgot about that conspiracy.

    Ughhhh. I’m not LGBT, but I hate how they are mistreated and the fucking mental gymnastics and lengths people will do to hate you guys. It’s fucking despicable.

    Grindr account -> harrassment

    Jesus, that’s shitty.

    • Some dudes play the long game to get you to open up and then they post all of your stuff on the town pages and stuff calling you a groomer or a pedo. And the worst part is that most people believe the first thing they see/hear/read so all it takes is one rumour or malicious post and your entire life in the town is upside down. Can’t leave the house to go to the grocery store without someone sneering or making a remark.

      Rural Atlantic Canada is absolutely fucked and it wasn’t even this bad 3 years ago when I moved here. Looking to make my exit plan in the next year or so.