Other right-wing accounts variously reacted by describing the move as Orwellian, lamenting the death of free speech and even contemplating leaving Canada for good.

Oh no. Not that. Please no.

<Tee hee!>

  • “Murtaza Haider is a professor of Real Estate Management at Ryerson University. Stephen Moranis is a real estate industry veteran.”

    oh yes very unbiased people right here

    Edit: Seriously though, after reading the article this doesn’t bust any myth at all. The only “source” cited is the census map and they don’t even take their time to transform that data into something that’s proving their point. That’s just a piece of opinion, it isn’t proving anything.

    •  m0darn   ( @m0darn@lemmy.ca ) 
      6 months ago

      And what about the several hundred thousand cottages scattered across Canada that might be labelled unoccupied on census day…

      …Many of them ought to be considered vacant homes. So how close does that get us to 235,000?