• Ok, so you’re not talking about right wing people then (or more accurately - conservatives), you’re talking about centrists and liberals (who are not left wing) (edit to add: while claiming to be “apolitical”, looks like Tarantino has donated to the DNC in the past, so that tracks).

    I know that’s uncomfortable to hear, but it’s the truth, and to those willing to sit with that discomfort and challenge their bias, I recommend taking the time to read this and this.

    • Show me a moderate Democrat in the US and I’ll show you a moderate right winger in the world. From a world perspective, the US hasn’t had a left leaning president in the last 30 years or more. The US lost its left at some point, and advocating for sensible policies became its new left. Outside looking in, Bernie is a centrist or at most left-of-center.

      So if your reference is the full spectrum, the majority of the US population is right wing, a good portion of it radicalized fascists. Now if your reference is the severely skewed Overton window of the US, then yeah, all right wingers are fascists.

    • you’re talking about centrists and liberals.

      I suppose I am, though I think it is accurate to call centrists and liberals “right wing.”

      Those are both good articles, I have actually read them both before.

      • I think it is accurate to call centrists and liberals “right wing.”

        Oh yeah, I agree in principle, but practically it becomes a bit confusing, as this exchange has demonstrated lol, glad we cleared it up…

        And yeah, fuck Tarantino.