Amazing video produced by Jessie Gender along with a group of creators whom many of them are from the ** LGBTIAQ+ community** .

I knew from my anthropology class many years ago that George Lucas borrowed concept from the The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

What I did not know is that the author, Joseph Campbell is:

  1. A misogynist
  2. An antisemite
  3. Didn’t research properly

This explains why the hero must be a (white) men.

Carl Jung’s theory about collective unconsciousness and archetypes are also outdated and discarded by psychology.

The archetypes reduce women to “mother”, “Goddess”. etc. but never the hero.

Also, since Jung’s theory categories people neatly into archetypes, those who does not fit social norm (LGBTQIA+ people) were never represented.

When the creation is based on such shaky foundations, no wonder the Star Wars fandom turns out to be racist and misogynist.

Btw, do you know who else’s book borrows heavily from Jung? Jordan Peterson.

  • I don’t understand long format videos because to me they only exist because of two reasons

    • the researcher has done an enormous and thorough job on the subject which requires lots of detail to understand

    • the producer had lots of content and was too lazy to condense it all so they just mashed everything together and let the viewer figure it all out themselves.

    The best and most informative documentaries to me are an hour or less … if I’m going to watch something longer it’s going to be a series of well produced and well written episodes created and produced by writers, researchers and presenters who carefully present the content in a clear concise way.

    I am not going to watch a six hour slog written and produced by someone I’ve never heard of and has little to no credentials in writing or producing.

    I don’t mind independent projects but at six hours long, I really have to be convinced by someone significant to spend that much time.