• Good. Beef (and I’m sorry, dairy) really need to be cut out of our diets. Cattle are the least sustainable livestock, even when raised in “quality” conditions (free range grass fed). It’s so wildly subsidized that it’s also the cheapest often.

    Frankly there are plenty of alternatives and they will be more prevalent when the industry needs to actually cover cattle costs themselves.

    • It’s crazy that 1l of milk where i live is between 90c and 1.10 bucks. 1l of oatmilk OATMILK that was made close by is 3.95 it’s such a clownworld. I know what goes into owning, raising, feeding and most of all, miking and get the milk tested and carried around to a supplier. I feel like the biggest asshole for low key paying for other people to drink their cheap milk.