• What would you have expected as an alternative? What other way could the plagiarism have been addressed? It had been brought up in multiple other instances over the last year and James brushed it off saying it was not true and led harassment campaigns against those that questioned if he had stolen others work.

    Frankly, I do not believe James’ woe is me bit is anything other than an act and emotional manipulation of his audience. He still has thousands of subscribers on Patreon and it is to his personal benefit to keep them as in the dark as possible or to believe that he is still deserving of their money and attention. If he does have mental health issues stemming from this, then he should have just deleted all his accounts, accepted responsibility from his actions, and moved on to something else and work on his mental health.

    James also did not only have 300 subscribers. He had almost 3,500 on Patreon. He was raking in tens of thousands of dollars per month using stolen work.


    • I guess I’m just cynical because the way he “apologized” and came back was called like play for play for how to do a fake YouTube apology/comeback. I just find it so hard to feel sympathy for the man or believe anything he says with what he’s done (not accused cause there were screenshots in that video) outside of just being a huge YouTube grifter.