• i mean i think the more likely explanation for any weirdness of that sort is just that this is a very low-stakes story for NBC. what is essentially Youtube drama just isn’t the wheelhouse i expect them to send their best to cover, or in which i think anyone is going to super care what “side” they take or how they present it.

    •  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
      6 months ago

      I don’t mean to say that false neutrality is some sort of conspiracy or something on behalf of NBC to protect their bottom line. I think it’s something lazy writers do to protect themselves when they’re doing surface-level stories about things they didn’t bother to spend much time researching. They probably don’t know the specifics of the accusations because they were buried in a 3 hour long video.

      If you don’t bother researching something, it makes sense to hedge a bit if you have to stake your reputation on it. On the one end you get a kind of weak article like this, but on the other you could end up at the center of something nasty. Of course all of that could be remedied with a smidge of journalistic integrity but 🤷‍♀️