While ‘range anxiety’ used to be a factor in purchasing an electric vehicle years ago, consumers have less to worry about when it comes to how far their EV can go, experts say.

  • What percentage of people realistically drive more than 300km per day? We’re talking 2.5-3h on the road per day, not taking traffic into account. Extrapolating 300km per day, over 49 weeks a year, 5 days a week, that’s just shy of 74000km. Who drives that, outside people whose job it is to drive stuff lol?

    • It doesn’t have to be “per day” - it needs to be often enough that they’ll be deterred from getting an EV.

      Look, I’m pro-EV, but I think it’s important to acknowledge that in a country as big as this one, there are going to be people with justified “range anxiety.”

      •  nyan   ( @nyan@lemmy.cafe ) 
        67 months ago

        Actually, not only does it not have to be “per day”, it may only have to be once, depending on the situation.

        I live in a location where certain types of medical services are ~400km away minimum. The thing that bit me on the ass was needing emergency care for a torn retina. In March, in very bad weather, at the height of the pandemic. That was a five-hour drive during which taking 20 minutes out to charge an EV would not have been a good idea (assuming a charging station was available—not guaranteed in that area). I would not want an EV as my only vehicle unless the range improves considerably, even though I don’t normally exceed 50km/day.