I went searching for something today and instinctually clicked on a reddit link. Fortunately the sub was dark for the protest anyway, but it’s crazy how ingrained in me it is to go to reddit for everything.

Unfortunately now we’re going to have to get used to clicking on those clickbait tech articles like “TOP 10 FACEBOOK ALTERNATIVES 2023” to find information, and weed out the crappy blogs.

  • I don’t think it’s anything to feel bad about. Reddit uses the user data for their revenue. It’s only fair we get some use out of reddit. None of the content is created by reddit. It is/was/will be created by people like us. We can stop contributing our knowledge/opinions anymore on reddit, but we don’t have to feel bad for finding solutions to our problems posted in reddit. At this point, I’m considering reddit like a nature trail. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints. In reddit’s case, I won’t even leave a footprint, and I’ll take what I need if I find it.