Costco workers in Norfolk have unionised and Costco are seething.

  • I used to work at Costco, although only for a summer.

    Every time I shared my experience working at Costco to friends and family, they were quick to jump to Costco’s defense, as if I was insulting a dead relative. Countless times, if not every single time, I heard “it’s probably only the Costco you worked at”.

    For comparison, I also worked at Walmart, and my experience there was neutral, but I’ve had some people try to dig for bad experiences. There were some bad experiences, but at the end of the day, when I clocked out, I was done working (unlike Costco).

    Don’t put too much trust into these corporations.

    • I think experiences like yours really is what is covered in Costco management’s disappointment in this letter.

      The Teamsters got an excellent national agreement raising wage standards across the organization, and makes it seem Costco hasn’t kept up. On the other hand, the odd pressure tactic, bit of favoritism, or dirty trick store managers pull get people motivated to join unions as well.

    • at the end of the day, when I clocked out, I was done working (unlike Costco).

      Could you expand on this a little, please? Were they expecting you to work off the clock, were they calling you at home for some reason, were they expecting you to keep open availability?

      • Yeah, even the most worker friendly business can have blind spots. Hell, if Unions themselves can have blind spots, then anything with a motive of profit is going to have FAR more, no matter what they do or say

        Always be pro union, always trust the workers that a business is abusive, never trust the business

      • You can support unions across the board and still be able to commend Costco on the good it does for its employees.

        Anyone who shits wholesale on the company (pun intended) is missing the point.

        Respectfully, I think that’s where the downvotes are coming from.