In honor of the death of Reddit (I hope), let’s harken back to a simpler time, perhaps when we old-timers were migrating from BBS chatting to Slashdot to Reddit. My favorite “oldie” is “The Website Is Down,” from 2009-ish. It perfectly captures what IT support is like.

What’s your fave?

  •  bbbhltz   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    FenslerFilm’s GI Joe PSA Spoofs


    In particular…


    The company gained a reputation in 2003 for a series of short films which parodied the public service announcement (PSA) safety messages used at the end of every episode of the 1980s animated series G.I. Joe, based on Hasbro’s toy line. […] By 2004, the videos had been considered viral hits, and Hasbro had sent Fensler a cease and desist order. — Wikipedia

    • I still routinely quote from these. I think they’ll probably live rent-free in my head for the rest of my life, lmao.

      Are you Buzz Lightyear?

      Hey kid! I’m a computer. Stop all the downloadin’!