•  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
        9 months ago

        We literally do not have rights in most of the world. It’s fully illegal to be trans in a lot of places. In some places it carries a death sentence. Get real. A struggle you’re less aware of does not equal a struggle that doesn’t exist.

        • Are you able to mask? Yes.

          Are black people able to mask? No.

          You will not be treated any differently if you mask. Black people cannot mask. I’m not saying that that is an ideal situation, but stop pretending that your struggle is the same.

          •  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
            29 months ago

            Are you able to book a hotel in another state and be sure you’ll be able to stay there when you get there? Do you have legal recourse if they decide to deny you? Are you able to pee in public bathrooms without being arrested? When’s the last time there was a ballot question explicitly asking if maybe it would be good to take away all your rights? Not some shady bill that effectively harms your rights, but one that comes straight out and says it’s targeting black people?

            We definitely go through different things, that’s for sure. But you’re acting like the job’s done for us. It isn’t. Gay folks have made significant headway, but trans people? We’re literally the favorite political scapegoat of the era. If we happen to live in one of the few areas that deems fit to grant us basic rights, awesome. But many don’t, and even in those places where we do have rights that doesn’t mean we’re actually welcomed. Massachusetts is great, but there are towns where I certainly wouldn’t be safe.

            There are definitely different elements to the struggle of black people and the struggle of trans people, but we live on the same street.

            But hey, divide and conquer right? Might as well play into their hands like a crab in a bucket.

      •  Devi   ( @Devi@beehaw.org ) 
        19 months ago

        Doesn’t that suggest that LGBT people should have more rights at this point? Like gay marriage still isn’t legal in lots of places, but black people don’t have that issue.

        I think the fairer thing to say is that the struggles have been very different for different groups of people.

        • I mean, black people have fought for equality for 200+ years and still get hunted down like dogs in the south, discriminated for doing anything while black.

          LGBTQ have been openly fighting for what… 50 years? and that’s being generous…

            • Apparently reading is not where your strengths lie.

              I used the word “openly” for a reason in my last comment.

              Anyway, your attempts to equivocate the struggle of black people to LGBTQ people is alarming. But at this point screw it. You see no difference and I don’t have the emotional bandwidth to help you think more broadly than your narrow view, so imma take a mulligan on this one.