I run a few groups, like @fediversenews@venera.social, mostly on Friendica. It’s okay, but Friendica resembles Facebook Groups more than Reddit. I also like the moderation options that Lemmy has.

Currently, I’m testing jerboa, which is an Android client for Lemmy. It’s in alpha, has a few hiccups, but it’s coming along nicely.

Personally, I hope the #RedditMigration spurs adoption of more Fediverse server software. And I hope Mastodon users continue to interact with Lemmy and Kbin.

All that said, as a mod of a Reddit community (r/Sizz) I somewhat regret giving Reddit all that content. They have nerve charging so much for API access!

Hopefully, we can build a better version of social media that focuses on protocols, not platforms.

  • The idea is outstanding. The parts of the UI that work are great. There’s much work to be done, especially with regard to subscription and discovery. The whole “copy/paste this into your server’s search bar” thing is… not great.

      • 100%. That’s probably the biggest gripe I had initially. Finally wrapped my mind around the fediverse as a concept (more or less) just in time to get booted from my login over and over trying to subscribe to some communities

        I’m still enjoying it here, but I could see someone less determined ditching over something like that.

    •  dan   ( @dan@upvote.au ) 
      111 months ago

      I still haven’t figured out how the search thing is even supposed to work. I was searching for communities on other servers and it wasn’t working, but then after a while it worked fine and appeared in the communities list.