Great writing on the current Reddit saga. The author put down in words a lot of things in my mind I couldn’t find the right words.

  • Could not agree more. I said basically this, less eloquently after a day of being on

    What’s even cooler here is I feel we have the opportunity to have neighboring villages: I’m a villager in my instance, you’re a villager in your instance, and civility and understanding is promoted because we are in a real sense representatives of our respective villages. We don’t want to make our villages look bad.

    As these instances & communities stabilize and mature over the coming weeks/months, I’m very excited to see what happens next.

      • Eh. You can find a cozy little community on another instance and have it feel like home. Especially if you have a “display name” which will make it hard for anyone to even see you’re from another instance unless they actually check

    • What’s even cooler here is I feel we have the opportunity to have neighboring villages: I’m a villager in my instance, you’re a villager in your instance, and civility and understanding is promoted because we are in a real sense representatives of our respective villages. We don’t want to make our villages look bad.

      Such a nice point! You gave me something to think about now :) In a way, while you are still anonymous, the instance gives you an outside identity. You don’t have to remember the username to “know someone from the village” in a way the author describes it, the instance kinda already gives you this.