Great writing on the current Reddit saga. The author put down in words a lot of things in my mind I couldn’t find the right words.

      •  bdonvr   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        By moderating it, as I said some is necessary obviously.

        I just don’t like the “police” comparison. There are ways to motivate people to keep order without sending armed state goons to kill or imprison you.

        I know your comment isn’t really about the metaphorical “village”, but police as we know them today are a far more modern conception than we think. Plenty of societies/villages/whatever did fine without such a force.

        •  alehel   ( ) 
          51 year ago

          I just don’t like the “police” comparison. There are ways to motivate people to keep order without sending armed state goons to kill or imprison you.

          I think weather or not this comparison is good or bad will completely depend on where you’re from. The concept of police is good. It’s how it’s practiced that is either good or bad.