•  V ‎ ‎   ( @vanderbilt@beehaw.org ) 
    6 months ago

    Conservatism in Canada was largely of the garden variety before their southern neighbors took a hard swing right. Now they parrot whatever they hear south of the border. It’s no wonder when you consider how much of Canadian media and products come from the US. How many of these nut jobs wear hats of a foreign politician and spout nonsense about the “amendments” of a constitution that doesn’t apply to them? If they want to put the breaks on this they need to curb US cultural influence. Will it be easy? Not at all, in fact it will be painful.

    • Unfortunately its global. The internet allows for low number groups to coalesce and have a strong impact. Particularly if their members have time on their hands. Every small town as that one crazy person and in a city there was one almost always pacing around any particular accesible location like 7/11 and many on the street. They can now talk with each other and they influence the less crazy but bored but again with a lot of time to be online. There are now global forces harnessing this. Much of US stuff is influenced byrupert murdoch who is austalian and there was some equivalent nutter media guy from canada. The chinese are learning from the russians to just work at creating strife online as an overal favorable thing (helps keep inaction and impotency in their neighbors). Unfortunately the world is currently a paradise for bad actors.