•  V ‎ ‎   ( @vanderbilt@beehaw.org ) 
    6 months ago

    Conservatism in Canada was largely of the garden variety before their southern neighbors took a hard swing right. Now they parrot whatever they hear south of the border. It’s no wonder when you consider how much of Canadian media and products come from the US. How many of these nut jobs wear hats of a foreign politician and spout nonsense about the “amendments” of a constitution that doesn’t apply to them? If they want to put the breaks on this they need to curb US cultural influence. Will it be easy? Not at all, in fact it will be painful.

    • Unfortunately its global. The internet allows for low number groups to coalesce and have a strong impact. Particularly if their members have time on their hands. Every small town as that one crazy person and in a city there was one almost always pacing around any particular accesible location like 7/11 and many on the street. They can now talk with each other and they influence the less crazy but bored but again with a lot of time to be online. There are now global forces harnessing this. Much of US stuff is influenced byrupert murdoch who is austalian and there was some equivalent nutter media guy from canada. The chinese are learning from the russians to just work at creating strife online as an overal favorable thing (helps keep inaction and impotency in their neighbors). Unfortunately the world is currently a paradise for bad actors.

  • The extreme right-wing psychopaths were never about COVID. Protesting gender and sexuality expression is a bit closer to their true cause and nature, but still a misdirection.

    Their goal is to recreate Canada as a white, heterosexual, Christian patriarchy. Back to the days of Sundown Towns, lynching, and barring “injuns” from bars and hotels.

    •  WiseThat   ( @WiseThat@lemmy.ca ) 
      6 months ago

      Yep. The goal of all of this this is to force people into straight marriages because that’s all that matters to religious zealots.

      They know that if kids practice safe sex they won’t get pregnant and ‘shot gun marriage’ rates will go down.

      They know that if kids discover their gender or sexual identity is non-cis, non-het, or non-monogamous that they might not wind up having a traditional marriage.

      The know that people who only have 1 partner in their lifetime are much, much less likely to successfully leave an abusive partner, meaning there’s a higher rate of divorce if people learn that having multiple partners in your life is normal and okay.

      They know that kids who are educated about healthy sex and consent in relationships are less likely to go along with a child marriage or an assigned marriage.

      They know that removing sex ed means more teen pregnancy, more intimate partner abuse, and more child-rape. For religious people whose only goal is to get young women into marriages, those are good things.

      Example: An actual elected official in the state of Missouri defending his stance that “Parents Rights” includes the ability to marry off their kids to adults at age 12, because “Do you know any kids that have been married at age 12, I do, and guess what, they’re still married”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H6UJ-uCrgc

      These people legitimately believe that it’s morally correct to kidnap a 12 year old girl and force her to be entirely subserviant to, and dependent on, some pedophile husband who controls everything they do, because them being trapped in that awful situation means that there’s one more marriage in the world.

    •  zaphod   ( @zaphod@lemmy.ca ) 
      76 months ago

      Familiarize yourself with QAnon. The term “groomer” isn’t being thrown around by accident. There is a large volume of right wing conspiracies centered on the idea that there’s a left-wing cabal preying on children. Claiming members of the LGBT community are pedophiles is part of that horrifying tapestry.

        •  zaphod   ( @zaphod@lemmy.ca ) 
          6 months ago

          Absolutely you will. The right wing is deeply infected by these conspiracy theories. Hell, whole chunks of the UCP platform were inspired by them (see: the 15 minute city conspiracy, anti-trans policies, anti-vax policies, etc) thanks to the TBA nutjobs. Far better to know and understand it now, because the flywheel has only just started spinning up