Trump sought and actively tried to subvert constitutional government and overturn the results of the presidential election. And what he could not do through the arcane rules and procedures of the Electoral College, he tried to do through the threat of brute force, carried out by an actual mob.

  • The front runner and probable nominee. I think its clear he violated the 14th amendment, and because this is/has/will be a political issue he needs to run, and he needs to loose.

    If he is denied the chance to be on the ballot as valid as it may be then he can justify everything as proof the system is rigged, so he should get to rig it in his flavor, with violence and war if needed.

      •  ulkesh   ( ) 
        29 months ago

        Exactly. The Constitution is the highest law in this country. He broke the law — plain and simple. And what’s more, the Constitution doesn’t require conviction by a jury of his peers for his ineligibility from holding office. It just is.

        It’s no surprise, though, that the die-hard constitutionalists, just like religionists with their bible, will cherry-pick and tailor the words of the Constitution to suit their agenda. And also no surprise that that Venn diagram overlaps almost completely.

        The moron should be barred from every ballot. It makes no difference what continued web of lies he spins — he’ll be dead soon, and the last thing this country needs is the precedent set that the President is above all law.