Whether it be video, board, card, etc., what are your favorite games to play with large groups of friends?
You can’t go wrong with classics like Smash Bros., Mario Party, and Jackbox. I also enjoy a good game of Codenames. What are some of your suggestions?
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Note: can’t play this with my wife. She has gotten me killed many, many times.
Man once you get into complex wires I don’t care who you are, that diagram is confusing as hell. Memorizing morse code a long time ago was a great bonus to the later levels though.
Complex wires isn’t that bad once you learn how to account for the parts of the diagram that are deliberately confusing, but they’re a lot harder if you only have one person with the manual. If you have 2+ people with the manual, one can get to work solving complex wires while the other helps the defuser with other modules.
Playing in a team is definitely the best. Flying through modules once everyone is coordinated is super fun.
This game is an amazing VR experience, even with people that never play video games otherwise.
This game is so good. I’ve also heard it’s been used in team building exercises because it requires effective communication between users with different levels of information access.