• Bullshit, that’s just a excuse for the lazy. Unless your body isn’t able to do something due to a condition, you can achieve mastery on everything. Talent will heavily reduce training hours, though…

    •  reflex   ( @reflex@kbin.social ) 
      6 months ago

      and the rest I guess is just natural talent?

      The article links another one by Slate that mentions genes and age (when starting the activity). The main article also mentions personality and life history.

      Genes seems to be a big one though, at least in the Slate article, and I suppose natural talent necessarily has a genetic dimension to it.

    •  peanuts4life   ( @peanuts4life@beehaw.org ) 
      6 months ago

      Not really, it’s just that the sheer quantity of hours has been find to be less important than the original study presented. Essentially, with good aptitude and quality practice, you don’t actually need 10,000 hours to reach the top percentile.

      The author of this article seems to have taken this in some weird directions. They have had personal experiences of being pressured to practice long hours at something they struggled in. They find relief in the new study, which they allegedly believe validates the idea that it was a hopeless endeavor. I’d argue that the fault didn’t lie with the 10,000 hour number, but rather with thier family who pushed the author too hard to succeed in a sport they probably weren’t improving at, Rather than reevaluating motivating factors or approach.

      Of course 10,000 hours is arbitrary. I’m just saying, the study doesn’t assert that inherit talent even exist, let alone is the primary factor. It only contradicts the number of hours.