• I asked for a scholarly source. A youtube reel of someone reading a tumblr post isnt an academic source or anywhere to be getting scientific information from.

    Im asking because the wording youre using “horrified screams of agony” is not remotely related to the reality of “plant has some kind of reaction when cut” which is more likely to be what is actually written in whatever scholarly article was the basis for the trash tabloid click bait articles everyone got the “plants feel pain” idea from. But again that doesnt refute any of my other points even if it were true that they “feel pain” (which they dont in any recognizable way)

    •  Omega_Haxors   ( @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml ) 
      6 months ago

      You genuinely thought I was going to get you a source? Since when in the history of man has a harassing commenter ever actually wanted a source? It’s just debate bro shit so that you can feel intellectually superior. If you want to look into it fine but i’m not playing your stupid game.

      • You said something absolutely wild, if i said “aliens invented cheese” youd probably want proof. me refuting your points and literally just asking where you heard this information should not have you accusing me of harassing you and “debate broing” you. The reality is you just heard some random thing on the internet, never fact checked it because you thought itd be convent ammo in discussions about veganism. And now youre getting angry because i called you out on that. We all are guilty of doing that occasionally but flying into a rage and being rude whenever you’re called out is a dangerous way to live