• Na, no rose colored glasses needed! The first Golden Sun is one of my favorite top down “classic” jrpg. I replayed it a couple of years ago on my old Ds (the one where you can play your Game Boy Advance games) and it aged really great!

    •  JakenVeina   ( @JakenVeina@lemm.ee ) 
      1 year ago

      The only thing I can think of not aging well by today’s standards is the level grinding. I recall having to do quite a bit of it my first time playing it, just to keep up with the difficulty curve, and it’s not like I was skipping all the sidequests. That was a fairly common aspect for RPGs of the era, I think.

      It’s also possible I wasn’t very good at the game, I was like 11 or 12 at the time.