• I’m not even sure it’s just that. A guy i know had to wait a couple of month until he could get his tesla windshield replaced. I still don’t really know where all these tesla owners around here go to service their cars, because i only know of a dealership, but that’s no garage. The only people i know with a teala bring their car there and they bring it somewhere from there. And service and shit takes for ever.

    • Took 11 months to get my Tesla repaired because they were waiting for suspension parts from Tesla. There are only three Tesla certified repair shops in my whole city (of 2 million people) but that wasn’t the issue. The issue was Tesla.

      If the EV’s they’re talking about in the article are Teslas, then I can understand why they would want to get rid of them.

      And to be clear, I love my Tesla, but nobody should be buying one until they get their supply chain shit together. I already passed on buying a Tesla when I had to replace my second car recently. (Went with a PHEV because I need to road trip regularly and non-Tesla charging is still pretty terrible in that area.)

    • In Seattle, there is a dealer in the city, then there is a repair center in the city across the lake (Bellevue). There used to be a repair center in Seattle, but Tesla closed it. It is a terrible service model and like you said, everything takes forever.