Be safe yall.

  • In the past week, I’ve had three other transmen in my various circles tell me about being followed in a public place in my state (not even in the same parts of the state, mind you) being harassed by someone with their hand on their open carry gun. Unfortunately I feel like we’re going to be seeing more of this shit. I’m trying to be careful with where I go in general but I’ve gotten especially homebound since June started.

    • Yeah I moved from Texas to Oregon years ago and that’s the main reason why. It’s just not safe in areas like that for queer people. I hope your friends stay safe and are doing okay after that.

      • At least one of them is just not leaving the house for the time being. It’s tempting to do the same thing but I need to at least leave for groceries and shit. Can’t afford delivery.

        edit: I should also mention I live in a state where they are legislating away treatment for both adults and minors and we’re just hoping the courts can come through eventually with protecting us.