When talking about the best games of all time people generally mention Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario 64, Halo 3, The Last of Us, Nier Automata, etc. , but dismiss other great games.

What games do you think are unfairly forgotten from this conversation?

Personally I think the original Dead Rising, Fable: The Lost Chapters, Dragon’s Dogma: The Dark Arisen and Lunar: Eternal Blue should be talked as some of the best games of all time. They’re such great and unique games!

  • IMO, it’s hard to claim best game of all time unless it ages well, and not just some unique gimmick the game provided at the time.

    Ie, I don’t like Tetris but for sure it is one of the best game of all time.

    However, if what you mean is good games that somewhat get outshined by others or lacks media attentions, then I agree. There are plenty of other games, and I think people would have bias toward their favorite genre/type.