It is interesting how easy this has got with a popular service like Prime Voice AI, and when you realise that many use voice recognition for authenticated access to systems, we can see where the risks come in. Like most technology, there are lots of positive upsides, but it always opens up the negatives as well. As Steve points out in his commentary in the linked article, the bad actors are often quicker than anyone else nowadays to take advantage of these new developments.

No end in sight for the upward trajectory of careers in security and vulnerability consultants.

#technology #security #voicecloning

  • But those aren’t examples of using voice recognition for authentication. In all of those cases if someone else walked up to the person using the thing and shouted the right command, we don’t expect the system doing the voice recognition to ignore it because the wrong person said it.

    • The call centre one’s most certainly are - by registering my voice, I can bypass the normal sending an SMS to authenticate before an agent helps me. My own medical insurance offers that to speed up the process of manual verification. It is certainly voice authentication.