Idle question. I’ve always heard that you need to prick the skins before baking a potato. The potential consequence for failure to do so is a catastrophic potato explosion.

Has anyone had this happen to them?

  • Despite microwaving potatoes frequently, (1-10/wk, don’t judge me) for many years (often questionably, typically without pricking) I have yet to have one explode. One would assume microwave explosions would be more common.

    Perhaps luck, perhaps potato type/size (I like Yukon gold and reds, which are thin skin, small, and relatively soft) but it’s just me so I don’t usually buy large/baking potatoes, and maybe those are more prone to bursting?

    I put them in a lidded microwave safe container, bit of water in the bottom, microwave for 10-15 minutes. Never a burst in… almost 20 years?