I need your help to settle this perpetual disagreement in my home. I’m team ‘skon’ whereas my husband is team ‘skone.’

Some context, we are not native to the UK so I will humbly accept consensus.

    •  Loccy   ( @Loccy@feddit.uk ) 
      1 year ago

      But I am common as muck. I haven’t met an H I haven’t dropped and I’m proper Bermondsey and Millwall. And it’s a “skone”. In fact the only people who call it a “skon” in my experience in deepest darkest Saaaaaaaf Laaaaaaandaaan are posh cnuts.

      Spock has a cat. Your argument is invalid.

      • Hmm, I’m willing to entertain your evidence but let’s do an experiment.

        “Hew mate, giz a skon

        “Greetings good sir, would you mind if I partake in one of your delightful skones?”

        Yeah, nah, one of these is deffo posher than the other 😉

        •  Loccy   ( @Loccy@feddit.uk ) 
          1 year ago

          “alright geez, giz a skon”

          “Good evening my good man. My name is Lord Ponsonby Smythe Smythe Smythe. Could I trouble you for one of those skons?”

          Works both ways.

          Edit: my friend, who I am currently drinking pints with, says “skon is more northern but posh and scone is more estuary”.

          And he’s an expert and a cunt (his own description of himself).